Family storytelling was the subject of the program at our August 25th meeting. Telling stories to family members is important because stories help connect one generation to another. The speaker, Leann Shamash, also provided attendees with some storytelling techniques. Below are some additional storytelling resources that could prove to be very useful
No matter how many times that grandparents may have shared their favourite memories with their children, the stories are new to grandkids, who are likely to enjoy hearing about the way life used to be. Grandchildren usually relate well to their parents’ parents and find them endlessly entertaining – and of course, grandparents return that sentiment!
Kids love stories.
Think about the types of stories you might tell them.
Stories about your grandchildren when they were tiny.
Stories about their parents (your children) when they were children
Stories about you when you were a child, or
Stories about things that used to be around and aren’t around anymore. (land-line telephones for example!)
Storytelling For Families
Storytelling is rapidly becoming a dying art in our culture, but if we lose our stories we lose parts of ourselves. In this busy, fractured, speed-of-light world, our stories all too often go ungathered. We’ve largely abandoned the tradition of chatting around family dinner tables and spending long evenings on front porches while the young folks sit at the knee of the older ones. I can’t tell you how often, as I’m out speaking about my books, someone in the audience expresses regret at not having recorded the recollections of a mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent or neighbor.
Keep your stories age appropriate
Vary your expressions
Vary voice quality and speed
Add visual aids
We are the “Keepers of the Tale!”
The story mountain. Getting from the beginning to the end of your story.
Introduction to the Storytelling V. Using different voices for different characters.
Vary your methods. Vary your voices and your speed. Use your hands.
Effective storytelling is a fine and beautiful art. A well-developed and presented story can cut across age barriers and will hold the interest and reach its listeners. Stories will be remembered long after other orations. Knowing and applying the basics of storytelling will strengthen your stories.
You are most welcome to copy and use this document! It is about 6 printed pages long. You might read some of the good books available on how to tell stories as well.
Don’t ramble
Don’t go on to long
Come to an ending and end!
Practice your story in front of the mirror
Be enthusiasm
Storytelling For Families
Storytelling is rapidly becoming a dying art in our culture, but if we lose our stories we lose parts of ourselves. In this busy, fractured, speed-of-light world, our stories all too often go ungathered. We’ve largely abandoned the tradition of chatting around family dinner tables and spending long evenings on front porches while the young folks sit at the knee of the older ones. I can’t tell you how often, as I’m out speaking about my books, someone in the audience expresses regret at not having recorded the recollections of a mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent or neighbor.
Great website!
Questions that act as storytelling prompts
Using family heirlooms as story prompts
Ways to incorporate storytelling into your children’s and grandchildren’s lives
Telling stories for children can be fun for any family member, but there is a special joy in grandparents telling stories to grandchildren. The author of the "DaddyTeller" (http://www.daddyteller.com) book, K. Sean Buvala, shares three tips so that grandparents can learn how to tell a story to their "grands." Sean Buvala has been professionally storytelling for nearly 25 years and teaches workshops across the United States on how adults, and especially dads and grandfathers, can build up the children in their lives through storytelling techniques. Go grab some storytelling stories and get started todayA video about the basics of storytelling for grandparents. Short and informative!
Fantastic and interesting collection of why telling stories is important and scientific back-up that listening to a story helps you remember facts better.
Description of the Storytelling Loop
Reality to imagination to new reality
Building relationships is at the heart of storytelling.
Cutting the Cable Cord
Moving from cable tv to internet streaming
Mirroring your mobile or PC to your tv
What are we covering today
Converting from cable tv to internet live streaming tv to save money and pay for only what you want
Watching mobile phone and pc content, e.g. Zoom or Facebook live streams, on your tv
Live Stream TV
Connecting your TV to the internet to stop paying so much for cable
Live Stream TV
Connecting your TV to the internet to stop paying so much for cable
Cable TV Conversion
Most of us are paying a lot of money each month to Comcast to watch tv
CostXfinity Double Play (Premier Internet + TV /DVR service) for 2 televisions costs about $210 per month
Premium channels add even more
Streaming TV Recurring Costs
Live streaming TV over the Internet can save you money and provide flexibility to watch almost anywhere
Xfinity Performance Pro Internet
Streaming live TV service with DVR, e.g Hulu + or YouTube TV
Monthly cost - $130 to $160
Move your service to almost anywhere with a WiFi connection or on your smartphone
Streaming Requirements
TV with HDMI connection port *
Streaming adapter e.g. Roku or Amazon Firestick
High Speed WiFi Internet service
Sufficient WiFi bandwidth at the TV adapter
Live streaming TV service with DVR
Smart TV may work for you but limited, e.g. Hulu+ or YouTube Live
Make Sure You Have Enough Internet Speed
Measure your WiFi speed at your TV locations to make sure you have sufficient
bandwidth (25mbps for HDTV)Speed Test or Xfinity X1 apps can measure speeds
Measure multiple times per day to see variation
You might need to get a WiFi extender if your bedroom or basement TV is far from your WiFi router (about $30)
Streaming Devices
Roku, Amazon Firestick, Chromecast with Google TV, TiVo, Stream, etc.
Device and Streaming Service Costs and Limitations
Adapters: connect TV to internet and provide on demand apps
Roku - $30 - $140, no HBO Max app
Amazon Firestick - $40 - $50, no HBO Max app
Chromecast with Google TV - $50, no Apple TV app
Live Streaming Services: provide live tv
Hulu Plus - $61/month, 60+ live channels, 2 simultaneous screens (additional $15/month for DVR and unlimited screens)
YouTube TV - $65/mo, 85+ live channels, 3 simultaneous screens, unlimited DVR
Set Up
Pretty simple to set up
Connect the streaming device to the HDMI port of your TV and connect to power, if required
Turn on your TV and set the source to the HDMI port
Follow the on screen instructions and connect the device to your WiFi
Download the Hulu Plus or YouTube TV app and sign up for an account
Login to your new live streaming account
You are good to go!
You can add and delete premium services when you want
Connecting Additional TV’s
Purchase an additional streaming device
Connect the streaming device to the HDMI port of your TV and connect to power, if required
Turn on your TV and set the source to the HDMI port
Follow the on screen instructions and connect the device to your WiFi
Download the Hulu Plus or YouTube TV app and Login to your live streaming account with the
credentials from your first TV
Now you’re all set!
Screen Mirroring
Watching content from your mobile device or PC on your TV
Wired connection vs wireless
Wired Connection
Best solution for Apple devices is lightning adapter to HDMI cable to TV
To connect an Android phone or tablet to a
TV you can use an MHL/Slim/Port (via
Micro USB) or Micro HDMI adapter, if
For PC use an HDMI cable to connect
directly to the TV
In most cases you just need to connect your phone or PC to the TV
Wireless Mirroring
Wireless Mirroring Requirements
TV with HDMI port
iPhone, Android smartphone, tablet or PC
High speed WiFi service
TV mirroring adapter, e.g. Chromecast, Roku,or Apple TV adapter (ridiculously expensive at $190)
Mobile phone or PC and TV mirroring adapter connected to the same WiFi network
Each 3rd party app is required to mirror to the adapter. This limits usefulness. Facebook Live and YouTube work
beautifully. Zoom doesn’t have this ability. Google claims if you use their Chrome browser it can mirror content. I haven’t been successful with this.
There are separate apps that claim they can mirror anything to the adapter. They charge money and the mirror quality
is pretty poor
Technology is pretty advanced to switch from cable TV to internet streamed TV
You can save money every month
You can watch your service in different locations and on different devices with little effort
Decide on which adapter and streaming service based on your needs
Mirroring content from your mobile or PC to your TV is easy with a wired adapter
Wireless mirroring still has a way to go before I would use it
Streaming Devices
Roku: https://www.roku.com/products/players
Amazon Firestick: https://www.amazon.com/fire-stick/s?k=fire+stick
Google Chromecast with Google TV: https://store.google.com/us/product/chromecast_google_tv
Live Streaming Services
Hulu Plus: https://www.hulu.com/live-tv
YouTube TV: https://tv.youtube.com/welcome/?zipcode=02067