Biker Gang Rides again. The biker gang rode the East Bay Bike Path, from East Providence to Bristol Rhode Island on a warm Thursday morning, on Halloween.

We stopped and had a great lunch at Quito's Restaurant at the end of the bike path.
Biker Gang Rides again. The biker gang rode the East Bay Bike Path, from East Providence to Bristol Rhode Island on a warm Thursday morning, on Halloween.
We stopped and had a great lunch at Quito's Restaurant at the end of the bike path.
The weather was great Sunday for a Red Sox game and we finally pulled it off biking from Jamaica Pond along the Emerald necklace to Fenway Park where the Red Sox lost to the White Sox 7 to 2. We plan to ride this Friday on the Shining Sea bike trail from Falmouth to Woods Hole. We’re stretching summer and may even go for a swim.
Friday, August, 23rd, we walked and rode the Mansfield rail trail from the Mansfield airport In both directions and then the Walking Group and Biker Gang rendezvoused at the Hanger 12 restaurant for a lovely alfresco brunch. Next week, the Biker Gang plans to ride Thursday, meeting at Shaws, S. Main St., Sharon at 9:00 to carpool to Franklin to ride the southern New England Trunk Line rail trail which runs all the way to the Connecticut border.